"Celeste FisherRachelle Brewer Carroll:
Dear Mrs. Brewer Carroll. I see that there are some "recent" (as in not at all) albums of your farmville. As un-interested as I am in those (but I still love you), I am hoping that you will make an album with real people in it. Preferably with you and your husband. I would appreciate it, if you would do this as soon as possible. If this does not work for you, there is another way. If I remember right, (which I do), you have this thing called a BLOG that has not been updated sine February. Would you so kindly update that as well so I could feel like I know a little bit about what is going on. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I expect you to get to work.
Mrs. Brewer Fisher"
Followed by
"Celeste FisherRachelle Brewer Carroll:
Mrs. Brewer Fisher"
Followed by
"Celeste FisherRachelle Brewer Carroll:
Mrs. Brewer, I see that my last inquiry did not make an impression on you. I am not sure if you understand the importance of my previous message. I assume that you received my message, due to the activity on your current need to get bricks for a school house. I truly am grateful for the hard work you are doing in order to give back and build a school, but many of us are in need of an update. This will be the last "sincere" message I will send before the messages will get more severe. I recommend that you get to work on your facebook albums, with again, pictures of you and your husband and maybe throw in a few of you dog. As well as getting to work on your blog. Thank you for your time.
Celeste Fisher"
So because you asked, here is an update complete with pictures of sean, me and the dog!!
So the most exciting thing going on in our lives right now is that you can buy Dr Pepper made with sugar at the store!! YEA!! Dr pepper is having their 125th b-day celebration by selling select cans of Dr Pepper with sugar!! YUMM!! Its so good. Anyway, they have 6 signature cans right now for the celebration. Right now we have 4 of them.

Recently Sean graduated from Texas A&M and received the coveted Aggie Ring. Here it is. The Aggie Ring is a great tradition here! It is the most recognized school ring in the world!!

Sean currently wears his hair spiky. I like it a lot!!

Sean cut himself shaving this morning! Ha Ha!

Sean is very obsessed with yellow shirts. Everywhere we go he is usually in yellow so we buy him new t-shirts any time we see a good one. This one says "I'm Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am" So totally Sean.

Rachelle- Now about me....well
I recently got my hair permed. I really like it. Here it is, I like it. This is my hair wet before I have diffused it.

Here is my poor scabbed leg. So the mosquitoes out here love my blood. My blood is their form of crack cocaine (twilight reference). Since I am allergic to them they get really big and itch for two-three days. I try not to itch them but they usually turn into bleeders. The other day I had 4 big band-aids on to keep me from scratching.

I also like the color yellow. Here is my cute yellow toes.

What more can I say about me. Oh yeah, we have the cutest little puppy. Ok, so he is not a puppy and not little. I like to call him puppy though. This is Doc thinking that he should be able to lay on the coach too!!

Here is another shot of our crazy dog. He likes to play a game by himself where he lays on his back and tries to pick up the raw hide he dropped. Then he tries to chew on it up side down. So cute.

Well, I think that is all for now!! Hope this satisfied the need for an update :)
Celeste Fisher"
So because you asked, here is an update complete with pictures of sean, me and the dog!!
So the most exciting thing going on in our lives right now is that you can buy Dr Pepper made with sugar at the store!! YEA!! Dr pepper is having their 125th b-day celebration by selling select cans of Dr Pepper with sugar!! YUMM!! Its so good. Anyway, they have 6 signature cans right now for the celebration. Right now we have 4 of them.
Recently Sean graduated from Texas A&M and received the coveted Aggie Ring. Here it is. The Aggie Ring is a great tradition here! It is the most recognized school ring in the world!!
Sean currently wears his hair spiky. I like it a lot!!
Sean cut himself shaving this morning! Ha Ha!
Sean is very obsessed with yellow shirts. Everywhere we go he is usually in yellow so we buy him new t-shirts any time we see a good one. This one says "I'm Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am" So totally Sean.
Rachelle- Now about me....well
I recently got my hair permed. I really like it. Here it is, I like it. This is my hair wet before I have diffused it.
Here is my poor scabbed leg. So the mosquitoes out here love my blood. My blood is their form of crack cocaine (twilight reference). Since I am allergic to them they get really big and itch for two-three days. I try not to itch them but they usually turn into bleeders. The other day I had 4 big band-aids on to keep me from scratching.
I also like the color yellow. Here is my cute yellow toes.
What more can I say about me. Oh yeah, we have the cutest little puppy. Ok, so he is not a puppy and not little. I like to call him puppy though. This is Doc thinking that he should be able to lay on the coach too!!
Here is another shot of our crazy dog. He likes to play a game by himself where he lays on his back and tries to pick up the raw hide he dropped. Then he tries to chew on it up side down. So cute.
Well, I think that is all for now!! Hope this satisfied the need for an update :)